Wednesday 19 September 2012

date night

Last week hubs and I had our first date night since Skittle's arrival. To be honest, we've never been very good at date nights, his shifts are on a 13 week rota and no one can plan 13 weeks at a time so we pretty much have no routine and no two days, let alone two weeks are the same. But seeing as it was our wedding anniversary I thought we'd use the excuse. 

Not being anywhere near ready to have a babysitter/relative to look after Skittle I used my parents house for the location! I gave Skittle his bedtime feed and put him down in the cot, opened the window, turned on the baby monitor and moved the garden furniture to the patio just outside our room. So we didn't actually go anywhere! Perfect. 

It was going to be ever so low key. Literally just eating our dinner outside with a couple of tealights flickering. Sweet. But then my little sister caught wind of my plans and decided to get involved. Personally I think she's been watching a few too many princessy, sickly sweet, romantic barbie films. The girl is 9 and she was intent on setting us up a full on restaurant outside, bless her. 

The conversations we had were hilarious.

Sister: Would you like me to pick some fresh flowers for your table.
Me: Umm ok, if you like but I'm fine without.
Sis: No it would look pretty and I could pick them in the garden.
Me: Ok.
Sis: What are you going to wear?
Me: Just what I'm wearing now.
Sis: Oh no I think you should wear a skirt and a pretty top.
Me: Well I'll see how long it take Skittle to fall asleep.
Sis: What about jewlerry? I've got some you can wear.
Me: Ok sweetie thanks, you're being very thoughtful. (I wore a plastic bead necklace and bracelet that I think came free with a magazine!)
Sis: It would be nice if you had some music.
Me: Hmmm maybe we could get a CD player. 
Sis: Yes and my classical music CD.
Me: Ok!
Sis: Shall I help you with the candles?
Me: Sure.
Sis: Oh no I've got some left over, I know I'll do you a big love heart on the floor...oh no I've still got some left, I'll write "love" for you.
Me: Wow you're really excited about this aren't you!

So in the end, date night was pretty special and she did everything! She put a party dress on and became our waitress for the evening, she was menu writer, CD operator, entertainment provider, photographer and general darling. Love her.

She took all the photos for this post and generally had a whale of our time! Skittle slept soundly and the baby monitor was a table feature. Excellent, so that's our date nights sorted for the next five years! 

1 comment:

  1. I love how enthusiastic she is! Career as a wedding planner..........? That looks the perfect date night x
