4 years ago today I married my best friend. The service started at 11am and I was ready by 10. I just couldn't wait to embrace the day! My friend Esther got me all ready for the biggest day of my life.

We decorated the Church to look like a garden. And all our family and friends came to celebrate.

We signed up...

...and sealed it with a kiss.
We vowed to love, comfort, honour and protect each other. We promised to be together from that day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part. We exchanged rings, on the correct hand...just!

It's been a crazy 4 years, 1, relocation, 2 new jobs, 4 flats, 3 different stints in temporary accommodation between said flats, great holidays, 3 operations, 2 miscarriages, lots of hospital stays, 1 premature baby, so much heartache, so much joy, 2 very much increased waistlines, a couple of grey hairs and what feels like far longer than 4 years...I wouldn't have wanted to share it with anyone else.
Happy Anniversary hubs, you're awesome and I love you xxx
Wow, that's a lot in 4 years, even by my standards! Let's hope the next four years are a bit smoother running!! Lovely pics!! X